The hour is come

Is it possible that Australia has an energy system that is unfit for purpose?

What would convince you of that? Well, one of the stories on the front page of today’s Australian Financial Review should make you put down your glasses and agree. Some Australians are being paid to waste electricity. They are actually paid to use power, even if they don’t need it. Turn on the clothes dryer on a hot day with no clothes in it. Crank up every electrical appliance you have. Turn on the old fridge in the shed that used to keep beer cold for pool parties in 30 C heat, even though this weekend, you weren’t entertaining. The more you waste, the more you will be paid. Lewis Carroll would struggle to make this up, I contend.

See the excerpt from the newspaper story.

Unfit for purpose, that’s what it is. Instead of using resources prudently, carefully, productively and wisely, we now throw other peoples’ money at consumers to churn electrons and party like it’s 1999.

We are on our way to a massive wake-up call. If it happens soon, there may be something to salvage. The longer it takes to collapse, the worse the hangover will be.

The hour is come. Whether you consider the Biblical history or the literature history of that statement, there is no doubt the hour has arrived for younger Australians. They need to stand up and be counted. Toss out of Parliament the goons that have created this mess. Your future depends on it.